
Calliope provides a bridge between Cassandra and Spark framework allowing you to create those magical, realtime bigdata apps with ease!

Spark streaming and Calliope

Spark Streaming applications are similar to regular Spark applications. The central concept is DStreams which are a continuous sequence of RDDs.

You can persist the RDDs from DStream just as you would persist regular RDDs.

A quick swim

  1. Setup your Spark Streaming

Setup your spark streaming as you would regularly. Here is an example of setting up a socket streaming and processing it.

val ssc = new StreamingContext(args(0), "NetworkStreamToCassandra", 
        Seconds(10), System.getenv("SPARK_HOME"))

val lines = ssc.socketTextStream(args(1), args(2).toInt)
val words = lines.flatMap(_.split(" "))
val wordCounts: DStream[(String, Int)] = => (x, 1)).reduceByKey(_ + _)
  1. Prepare C* configuration

Prepare the C* configuration of where the processed data be saved.

val cas = CasBuilder.cql3.withColumnFamily("casdemo", "words")
        .saveWithQuery("update casdemo.words set count = ?")
  1. Create the Marshallers

We then need marshallers to help Calliope understand how to write the RDD to the C*. This will need us to create two marshallers, one for creating a key and another for the row values.

implicit def keyMarshaller(x: (String, Int)): CQLRowKeyMap = Map("word" -> x._1)
implicit def rowMarshaller(x: (String, Int)): CQLRowValues = List(x._2)
  1. Setup the result stream to persist

Once the processing pipeline is set, you can setup a function to persist the RDDs in DStream to C* using the new API,


Or using the traditional approach,

  1. Start streaming

Start the streaming


SnackFS for checkpointing

One of the things that most of the other Cassandra Spark libraries miss out is the need for a DFS for streaming checkpoint in reduceByKey and updateStateByKey operations. Calliope utilizes SnackFS for this purpose. You can set the checkpoint directory to point it to snackfs.
